医药卫生>住院医师规培 > 住院医师规培(外科)
住院医师规培(外科) - 相关题库
单选题 编号:3688517
1.A 50-year male with paroxysmal abdominal pain for 6 days,nausea and abdominal distension for 2 days admitted to the ER.Physical examination showed abdominal bulge and visible peristalsis.Active bowl sound and gurgling could be heard by auscultation.X-ray showed fluid level in the dilated small intestine in the middle abdomen and a small amount of gas in the colon.The most possible diagnosis is:
  • A.Paralytic intestinal obstruction
  • B.Lower-level small intestinal obstruction
  • C.Higher-level small intestinal obstruction
  • D.Necrostic enteritis
  • E.Sigmoid volvulus

