医药卫生>住院医师规培 > 住院医师规培(胸外科)
住院医师规培(胸外科) - 相关题库
单选题 编号:3682058
1.During an operation for carcinoma of the hepatic flexure of the colon,an unexpected discontinuous 3-cm metastasis is discovered in the edge of the right lobe of the liver.The surgeon should
  • A.Teminate the operation,screen the patient for evidence of other metastases,and plan further therapy after the reevaluation
  • B.Perform a right hemicolectomy and a right hepatic lobectomy
  • C.Perform a right hemicolectomv and a wedge resection of the metastasis
  • D.Per:form a cecostomv and schedule reoperation after a course of systemic chemotherapy
  • E.Perform local resection of the primary colon cancer and plan radiation therapy for the lesion on the liver

