大学公考>研究生考试 > 考研公共课-英语(一) > 第五章 应用文写作
考研公共课-英语(一) - 相关题库
问答题 编号:1517168
  You have taken a message from a phone call for your roommate Sun Fei, who is supposed to be back later to go to a movie with you tonight. Now you have to leave to attend to some urgent business. Write a note to your roommate to tell her about:
  (1)the telephone message you've taken,
  (2)your reason for not waiting in the dorm, and
  (3)what to do with your film ticket.
  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the note. Use “Tian Jie” instead.


考研公共课-英语(一) - 相关课程
