大学公考>研究生考试 > 考研公共课-英语(一) > 第五章 应用文写作
考研公共课-英语(一) - 相关题库
问答题 编号:1517124
  Suppose you are Li Ming and your friend Li Hua has just won the first-class science award because of the work in the field of applied chemistry. Write a letter of congratulation to her, and the letter should include the following information:
  (1)express your congratulations on the award-winning.
  (2)express your opinion that she deserves the award.
  (3)express your hope for greater success in her field.
  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need write the address.


考研公共课-英语(一) - 相关课程
